6 New Best Practices For Exceptional Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service may be one of the most important things you will do in your business. After all, if you do this part poorly, you’ll lose current customers and perhaps future customers too when they find out.


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Do People Really Want You To Know Their Name?

Going to the grocery store used to be a social event. We knew all the clerks and regularly chatted with the butchers behind the cases. They knew our name and we knew theirs. Even when other grocery stores opened in

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It’s Not What You Do – It’s Who You Are

For me, customer service is a way of life. It’s not what you do; it’s who you are. It’s something that comes from deep inside of you. I can always pick out the people who practice this philosophy because they’re

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Balancing Customer Service With Cost-Savings Technology

Typical Challenges Consumers Face and the Necessity of Small Businesses Taking Notice

It’s happened to all of us at some point. A problem with our order or a service interruption arises, and we need help from a local company.


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Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

In order for businesses to reap these benefits and savings they must first understand the fundamental pillars that information technology must support in the business environment. Most buyers and executives know and understand that information technology is there to support

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Tips to Choosing the Right Cloud Storage and Backup Solutions for Your Business

Every business should have good cloud storage and backup solutions to reduce the risk of data loss. Data loss can cost a business thousands, it results in you losing important customer information and over time, can result in the business

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